
***French President Hosts Reception for Human Rights Defenders at Élysée Palace***Human Rights Lawyer Shahanur Islam Joins Hands with ARDHIS for Bangladeshi LGBTQI Asylum Seekers in France***New Platform to Fight Discrimination Against LGBTQI+ Community in Bangladesh***Human Rights Advocates Meet with French Ambassador to the Council of Europe ***Bangladesh Needs to Make Further Progress Towards Gender Equality***JusticeMakers Bangladesh calls for justice and protection for religious minorities in Bangladesh***French Human Rights Ambassador Honours HR Defenders at Paris***JusticeMakers Bangladesh is deeply concerned over the harassment against student of Islamic University in Bangladesh***JusticeMakers Bangladesh urges to withdraw the ban of Prity's book "Jonmo O Jonir Itihas" immediately***JusticeMakers Bangladesh expresses deep concern, condemnation and protest over the vandalism 14 Hindu temples in Thakurgaon***JusticeMakers Bangladesh deeply concern over the threat of crossfire to the lawyer Aminul Gani Tito in Dhaka***JusticeMakers Bangladesh gravely concerns over the attacked on CEO of BELA***JusticeMakers Bangladesh gravely concerns over the disappearance of lawyer in Dhaka***JusticeMakers Bangladesh Urges Immidiate Release of Arrested Transgenders in Dhaka***JusticeMakers Bangladesh concerns over viciously attacked on lawyer Abdur Rashid Mollah at Dhaka***JusticeMakers Bangladesh gravely concerned over attacked on indigenous people at Bogura***JusticeMakers Bangladesh welcomes the decision of Metropolitan Magistrate to acquit four Transgenders in Dhaka***JusticeMakers Bangladesh Protests and concerns Over the Abduction and Torture of Two Trans-women in Meherpur***Shahanur Islam attended the 21st World Summit on Participatory Democracy at Grenoble, France***

Friday, January 8, 2010

URGENT APPEAL: Take control of the camp Ashraf before the residents are transferred to an EU country

Hon. Ban Ki-moon
United Nations

Dear Secretary-General,

Camp Ashraf in Iraq is residence to 3,400 members of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) who have built it during the last 23 years.  Following occupation of Iraq, in 2004, the residents of Ashraf were recognized as 'protected persons' under the Fourth Geneva Convention. The deadly attacks on defenseless Ashraf residents in July 2009 - carried out by the Iraqi forces - have made the situation in Ashraf into an international humanitarian issue.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

URGENT APPEAL: Take action - or I will

To  Kevin Rudd, Barack Obama, José Manuel Barroso, Brian Mikkelsen
Subject  Take action - or I will

Barack Obama, President of the United States
Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister of Australia
José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission

CC: Brian Mikkelsen, Danish Minister of Justice

Faced with the unique opportunity to stop climate change in Copenhagen, world leaders offered instead an historic failure.  In sharp contrast, we and the world's environment, hunger, and justice groups are mobilizing the largest movement civil society has ever witnessed, to demand a fair, ambitious, legally binding climate treaty.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

URGENT ACTION: Human Rights Defender & Lawyer Mr. Shahanur Islam has been illegally detained, ill treated and harassed by the police

URGENT ACTION: Human Rights Defender & Lawyer Mr. Shahanur Islam has been illegally detained, ill treated and harassed by the police

URGENT ACTION: Human Rights Defender & Lawyer Mr. Shahanur Islam has been illegally detained, ill treated and harassed by the police

URGENT ACTION: Human Rights Defender & Lawyer Mr. Shahanur Islam has been illegally detained, ill treated and harassed by the police

URGENT ACTION: Human Rights Defender & Lawyer Mr. Shahanur Islam has been illegally detained, ill treated and harassed by the police

URGENT ACTION:Human Rights Defender & Lawyer Mr. Shahanur Islam has been illegally detained, ill treated and harassed by the police

URGENT ACTION: Human Rights Defender & Lawyer Mr. Shahanur Islam has been illegally detained, ill treated and harassed by the police

Human Rights Defender URGENT ACTION:Human Rights Defender & Lawyer Mr. Shahanur Islam has been illegally detained, ill treated and harassed by the police

URGENT ACTION: Human Rights Defender & Lawyer Mr. Shahanur Islam has been illegally detained, ill treated and harassed by the police

URGENT APPEAL: Human Rights Defender & Lawyer Mr. Shahanur Islam has been illegally detained, ill treated and harassed by the police